Posts tagged โ€œphotosโ€

    Bye bye Julian! ๐Ÿ‘‹ ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿบ Food, rest, some very friendly encounters. Albeit with a little muscle soreness left, we feel we fully recharged our batteries. The next real town is going to be Idyllwild ๐ŸŒณ

    โ€œWhat are you actually able to bring home?โ€

    What skills I think I can gain or train. Obviously this is a wishlist, I will try to answer again in a few months and see if I got it right.

    • Strengthen my way to approach any situation, perhaps seemingly insurmountable, with the right mindset. That is, to avoid, as much as possible, panic, but also to enjoy it fully, without investing too much energy in trying to hyper-rationalize.
    • Improve my self-confidence, that is, the belief that I am able to embark into something, weighing the risks I am willing to take. This means expanding my comfort zone by working on accepting more and more of the inconveniences that in daily life we do everything to avoid like the virus of a pandemic (we all know something about that by now ๐Ÿ˜„)

    โ€œWhat is your deepest fear facing this journey?โ€

    I would say thatโ€™s among the questions I have been asked more often โ€“ and understandably so. There are the most obvious and concrete fears, such as that of an injury or some other unforeseen serious event. They are definitely deep, visceral fears because they concern my own safety, but I can’t really get rid of them โ€“ and perhaps it would even be harmful to do so, as someone who has studied neuroscience or psychology would tell me.

    Among the fears I believe (and hope) I can work on thereโ€™s definitely that of having to rely only on myself, on my own strength (mental and physical) for a fairly long time. What will happen if Iโ€™d have to surrender or let go? If an external circumstance would show me that all my skills are like blunt weapons?

    There is the fear you feel when you realize that you are extremely vulnerable, despite everything you know or have. And it takes very little really: sleeping alone in a tent in a place you don’t know, perhaps during a thunderstorm, or having to traverse an environment thatโ€™s immediately hostile to you.

    Iโ€™m seriously thinking of camping here next weekend ๐Ÿ•๏ธ I know this place since ages but I canโ€™t deny a pinch of fear of I donโ€™t know what